Network Coverage

Network Coverage in Turkey

2G Capabilities

GSM 900, GSM 1800

3G Capabilities

UMTS 2100

4G Capabilities

LTE 800, LTE 900, LTE 1800, LTE2100, LTE 2600

5G Capabilities


 is short for second-generation wireless telephone technology were commercially introduced in 1991. 2G introduced data services for mobile phones, starting with SMS text messaging, picture messaging and MMS. All text messages sent over 2G were digitally encrypted.


is short for third generation of mobile telecommunications technology. It comes with enhancements over earlier wireless technologies, such as high-speed transmission, advanced multimedia access, video calls and global roaming.


is the fourth generation of mobile phone communication technology standards. It is a successor to the third generation and provides mobile ultra-broadband Internet access, for example to laptops with USB wireless modems, to smartphones, and mobile devices as well.


is the fifth generation and latest iteration of mobile phone communication technology standards. 5G performance targets high data rate, reduced latency, cost reduction, energy saving, higher system capacity, and massive device connectivity.

For complete accuracy please make sure you should always check with your country’s local service provider or with the home service provider.

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